Online-Dictionary Deutsch-Tamil
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Welcome to Tamil-English-German dictionaries!
This is one project that has a never-ending development need and which we hope to create a solid and efficient engine to drive a speedy user-end solution. The underlying system is to have an efficient tool created with Unicode Interface. So, those of you with interest and reasonable knowledge, please get in touch and get involved.The other help we would require are with typing in lots of English and Tamil words without error.After your registration you can start to add words in our Dictionary.Please register only if you want add new word or make word corrections.


1. If you have two similar meaning words, if one word is already exist, insert the other word by ticking the "New word", include as a new word.

2. When you translate into different languages, please use different synonyms

3. if you want to write a different meaning words for a word in our dictionary, then include that word by using "word-split"

4. A new member can add only new words into our dictionary by considering the safety of our system

5. A member, who adds more than 50 words into our dictionary or who contacts us personally, she / he will be given editable privilege

6. One has the right to modify a wrong word

7. This site is made for you. If you add many wrong words or if you introduce malfunction this site, you will lose your membership

8. According to your contribution index, when a contributor corrects an existing wrong word, then his contribution index will be added with others contribution

9. Separate every synonym words by placing comma and space in between

10. Add each word by differentiating the type of word

11. Add each word by indicating as noun and verb

12. Thank you for your understanding and corporation. Feel free to contact us for your further information. Agreement
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Do you have any new Tamil words? Please let us know those words.
Those words will be added into this dictionary.
To add new words - புதிய சொற்கள்

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